If you have got more than one loan, it would be a good idea to roll them into one consolidated loan.
Read our following tips before refinancing your loan:
- Avoid brokers that make unrealistic promises
- Ensure you will be paying less
- Consider approaching a broker before going ahead with your bank
- Protect your asset and home
In most cases, If you decide to consolidate your unsecured debts (e.g. credit cards) through the bank, they will require a form of a security (e.g. home or asset) to give you a lower rate, this may sound a good idea, but if you can’t payoff the new loan, the car or the home that you put up as security may be at risk.
Coastie Approved can help you refinance your repayments – we can help you apply for a personal loan to pay off your debt faster. Without requiring a form of security, we can still get you approved at the lowest rate.
Give Adam a call before accepting the bank offer.